Prof Mbarawa said the Fifth Phase Government wants the railway authority to improve efficiency in transportation of passengers and cargo to uplift its financial position. “You should avoid favoritism and secrecy in your operations because these cause sabotage and embezzlement which eventually weakens the company,” he stressed.
He urged workers to adhere to ethics in bringing about positive results for Tazara and member countries of the authority. Prof Mbarawa also revealed that the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) was conducting investigations on reports of embezzlements and warned that legal actions will befall culprits behind the vice.
For his part, Deputy Managing Director, Mr Betram Kiswaga, told the minister that Tazara was facing a number of challenges including limited capital as well as shortage of locomotives and wagons.
He assured Prof Mbarawa that the company has secured reliable transporters, noting that increased capital will encourage more transporters to use Tazara services. The 1,860 kilometre railway line connects the Dar es Salaam port in Tanzania and copper-rich region of Kapirimposhi in Zambia.
It was constructed by the Chinese government in the 1970’s to ease transport between the two countries.
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